Brand Information

A leather shoe brand founded in the United States in 1971.

The founders, Katz and his son, thought that by using the outsole of sneakers in business shoes, they could improve the design and comfort of the shoes, and that’s how Rockport began.

In fact, Rockport’s shoes are soft and light, so even today, 50 years after its establishment, there are many loyal users around the world.

In addition, They continue to evolve based on Rockport’s unique development, application of sports technology, and creation of innovative ideas.

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ROCKPORT 公式オンラインショップ
-ROCKPORT 公式オンラインショップ- アメリカ・ボストン生まれのシューズブランドROCKPORT(ロックポート)の公式オンラインショップ。会員登録でポイント付与・送料無料・サイズ交換無料などの特典。明日も履...