Brand Information

A rubber boots brand established in the United States in 2002.

BOGS is headquartered in the northern Atlantic Ocean, where the slightest difference in temperature can turn a week into a rainy or snowstorm. BOGS, which knows this well, completed all-weather boots in 2002 after more than 40 years of history in the shoe industry.

Since then, BOGS has continued to use its unique technology to create waterproof, durable, and comfortable products for people working under adverse conditions.

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BOGS[ボグス] 公式サイト
優れたスノーブーツ BOGS[ボグス] 4層構造で「マイナス15℃」でバツグンの保温効果を発揮。雨や雪でも安心の防水性と耐久性に優れた履き心地と、コーディネートのアクセントになるオシャレなデザイン。※商品...